About Me


As a teacher of preschool-1st graders, I valued each child before me as unique puzzle with individual gifts, voice, personality, and timing for development. A safe space to risk and play feel essential in learning. Then as a Mom working to guide my two children, I dug deeper into psychology and neuroscience. I did not know how much I would grow in the process.  Our family’s journey has given me tools and authenticity to serve parents of neurodiverse children navigating school and home life.

In 2010, I met a Feldenkrais Practitioner who saw a connection between my eye patterns and my quirky back. It was a game changer for me. Feldenkrais expanded what I feel is possible. I learned to see with my two eyes working together, to move with more ease in both body and mind.

A Former Teacher of Young Children, a Wife, Mom. Artist, Feldenkrais & Havening Practitioner

In 2021, I completed the 4 year Baltimore Feldenkrais Training, then several advanced study with Feldenkrais offerings. I added Havening to my personal toolbox and recently became a certified Havening Techniques Practitioner. Both the Feldenkrais Method and Havening are grounded in neuroscience and allow the nervous system to calm. The exploration of these methods help us to release tensions and develop a deeper awareness of physical and emotional patterns. I’m continually delighted by dramatic shifts as clients find more ease in both their physical and emotional selves. We can get stuck in habitual patterns that no longer serve us, but awareness offers an opportunity for something new. More ease, freedom, and a sense of empowerment is possible.  It is my deeply held belief and life’s work. 

I’ve learned so much on my journey and hope to help people young and old learn options for living with attention and intention. Please reach out if you would like to connect. I’m happy to answer questions and explore how I might be of service to you or your family’s particular needs.


To view my art and explore refections related to my created endeavors visit my Art Gallery