

Havening is a relatively new, somatic method that uses the power of soothing touch to create slow, calming, Delta brain waves. Ronald Ruden MD, PhD created this psychosensory tool based on neuroscience and neurobiology, Havening can help us reduce stress and break the loops of trauma. It is believed that when we perceive an experience or event as traumatic or stressful, it becomes immutably encoded in the brain and body. This can cause a person to feel triggered over and over again when encountering situations that create similar underlying feelings. Much of this can occur subconsciously, so we may feel stuck repeating patterns without awareness of how prior events may have shaped us.

The truth is we all have wounds from our past or stressful moments that leave an imprint. Addressing these early encoded memories can help us feel more relaxed, lighter, and more centered, able to move forward without the heavy burdens of the past. Ones we may not have even realized we were still carrying. We know that the mind and body are inseparable, and moment by moment the sensory information streams into the amygdala. Havening offers a powerful tool to help us calm the body and change how we filter sensory information, creating more freedom and resilience in our lives.


To me, it’s as if neuroscience is catching up to the wisdom of an intuitive caregiver. We can comfort and calm ourselves with the accessibility of a soothing touch. Look below to see a few guided self Havening offerings, and experiment to see if you feel a difference. Words do fall short of explaining the results. Experience is a much better teacher.

Slide the hands up and down. Does your mind quiet as you toon into the sensory information?
Embrace yourself. Then slide your hands down to your elbows, Repeat this and feel the effects.
Gently touch around your face, hairline, and eyes in a soothing rhythm all your own.


The sensory information of the soothing Havening touch is calming and creates a sense of safety. The slow, Delta brain waves created release oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. Neurochemical reactions occur that can actually change the physical structure of the dendrites in the amygdala, dramatically shifting how we relate to a prior encoded traumatizing memory. Science calls this depotentiation. Havening is relatively new and has yet to be fully researched by the Western academic medical and psychological communities. It is considered experimental and an alternative or complementary modality. That said, there have been a few published papers and studies on the method if you would like to take a deeper dive. Some physicians, neuroscientists, therapists, and coaches are starting to take notice. Dr. Daniel Amens and Gabor Mate are a few noteworthy authors who I’ve seen speak about the efficacy of Havening. Visit Havening.org for more information.

“It is my view that trauma plays a role in almost every single mental health or emotional health condition.”
“The mind is released from darkness once we shine the light of a safe Haven through touch.”

Dr Ronald Ruden



I volunteered to help a friend practice the method and was amazed. After the session, a memory of a hard moment in my life seemed far away and was no longer linked to the intense feelings I felt recalling it. I wanted to learn more about the gentle way that led me to such a shift in how I saw that event and how it related to current stress. Then, it opened an opportunity for me to relate to a person close to me with more compassionate clarity no longer holding on to a hurt that I didn’t really think I was still carrying.

I appreciate natural options rooted in science to answer stress and wellness when possible, and I believe Havening is a highly effective tool for healing. If you would like to connect, I’m happy to talk with you about options to work together virtually or in person, and how I might serve you in your particular needs. We could work together collaboratively to build resources or work with prior events. It’s also possible to work content free. I bring a compassionate presence, and assurance of confidentiality, and offer choices to work within your comfort level.

It is important to recognize this is not therapy, nor is it a substitute for professional support. I believe often Havening can be paired well with professional counsel. Please read the important legal information below. It is important to me that all recognize this fundamental distinction.

“Shelly is an extraordinary healer and person. She is one of the most heartfelt and skilled Havening practitioners I have ever had the privilege of working with. She is intuitive, gentle, deeply caring, grounded, and very skilled. Shelly helps clients absolutely transform very difficult issues and situations in their lives. If you’re considering Havening with Shelly, you will not be disappointed!”

Elena Kindler, Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner & Trainer


Ronald Ruden has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and is a medical doctor practicing medicine in NYC for over 30 years. He became very interested in how the Emotional Freedom Technique of Tapping worked for his patient challenged by phobias. He dug into research on the amygdala, and trauma response, and hoped to make a difference for people after 9/11 and beyond. He authored two books, The Craving Brain, and When the Past is Always Present, and co-created Havening with his brother Dr. Steve Ruden.


If you are a parent and would like to explore how Havening could be a tool for your child, please feel free to reach out. I have a heart for parents, teachers, and children seeking ways to answer stress and anxiety. I believe these tools offer a way toward resilience and a sense of empowerment.

I also have an interest in sharing Havening with schools to help resource teachers and children. I envision sharing Self Havening techniques with groups to calm the nervous systems. Then, invite individuals to choose what internal resources they might like to grow, without exploring any prior stressful event. If you feel this would be welcome in your educational setting, please contact me.


Havening is Not Medical or Psychological Advice or Treatment and is Not a Substitute.
The information contained on this website is solely for educational and general purposes and is not a substitute for medical or psychological care. The information contained on this website is not medical, psychological, coaching, or other professional advice or treatment of any kind or nature whatsoever. Moreover, such information is not intended to and does not create any professional or treatment relationship of any kind between you and Mindful Play in Motion or its respective principals. Nothing contained on this website is intended to represent that Havening is a substitute for seeking professional medical or psychological advice from an appropriate professional health care provider. Always consult your licensed healthcare provider regarding your professional care. Never disregard professional medical or psychological advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. You are advised to seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.